Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fanart of Zentrix's Megan

I didn't realized there are some fanarts of Megan which was there for many years ago. I've just found these... all from fans in Japan

Real Steel

I watched the movie "real Steal" recently, that's one my most favorite one this year. It reminds me Zentrix, as you remember there is a battle arena in Zentrix, and the fighting robot is called Zeus too.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Anime Giant Robots Collection

woww!! this is the coolest image i found today. I guess almost all of the anime Robots are drawn in this piece, at least all my favorite robots are there... include my Creation Zeus from Zentrix, Yeahh super awesome. Click the image to enlarge.
Can you caount how many robots are there and how many you know?
Do you see that? Zeus from Zentrix is in the middle, he is one of them !!!

Too bad that can't find the artist and origin source.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Zentrix PS2 Game Cover

I found this high rres image of PS@ game cover today.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Zeus Sektches
More old Sketch from Zentrix show: Zeus. (it was called Probus when I designed that, it renamed to Zeus later)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Quantum Sketch
wow...this is the first robot design for my first animation TV show in 2000... Lots of memory came out when i saw this again...